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  • afrocats

Feeling curious? Feeling adventurous? What leads it?

The autumn leaves Beneath her dainty small feet crunched Noisily in the mist

Young Person (aged 11)

Red velvet petals Swirly pathway with wood blocks Wind and moss

Young Person (aged 10)

On the 26th September we took part in a creative writing session with

Nikki Mailer, who give us the chance to write our own poems .

It was a lovely session where we wrote our poems in response to the picture above. I can not believe how much we managed to write in less than an hour.

Here are some extracts of our poems below;

Ruby red petals descend weightlessly She stands wonderstruck, admiring the pool of red

Misty shadows gloomy air the scent roses filling the air

Trees were a spiral of green patterns, which swayed in the cold breeze, like a nimble ballerina.

The woman standing beneath the tree, it’s like Christmas eve.

The red leaves scattered around. The woman sees the ground.

We even had time to write our own poems;

Sweet caring sister

Fun kind loving cousin

Heart-warming mum

A special thanks to Children in Need for making these workshops possible during this time.

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