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We're a small charity with big ambitions.
We want to create a more diverse and equitable society. 
But we can't do this alone,
we need your support. 

There are lots of ways you can get involved and help us to build resilient communities that live happy and healthy lives. 


Make a donation today

Every penny we raise goes towards our award-winning work to break down barriers to help people live a better life


could support a young person to attend an arts and craft session


could support a women to make new connections at one of our wellbeing sessions


could pay for transport for a refugee or asylum seeker to access an in-person activity

Our funders


We're so grateful for the generosity of our funders.

If you are a grant-giving body and would like to support our transformative work, please get in touch with us on

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Other ways to give

There are lots of ways that you can support Afrocats, whether it is celebrating a special occasion, leaving a gift in memory of a loved one, or giving as you shop online.

Find out more
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