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Afrocats announces 2020 impact report

Happy New Year - it’s great to be back at Afrocats!

In these unprecedented times, we continue to stay safe, support and raise the wellbeing and morale of each other to prepare for the time when we can come together to connect as a community again in person.

And this year, we look forward to becoming more sustainable through funding and new partnerships so we can support more people and continue our work with marginalised communities.

We're pleased to launch our Impact Report, which highlights the wonderful work we did throughout 2020 with a fantastic team of volunteers and artists who work tirelessly to support vulnerable communities across Greater Manchester - which wouldn't have been possible without the support of our funders and donors.

Thanks to Community Fund we were able to provide families with two laptops and two tablets.

In the report, you'll read about projects like our food parcel drop funded by Forever Manchester.

We will make our last big food parcel drop this month but we need your support so we can continue this vital service, as we are collecting donations to purchase more vouchers and food parcels.

It costs just £25 to make one culturally appropriate food parcel for a family in poverty. That food parcel will support them for one month - and if you can, please make a donation.

Stay tuned for photos and download our report below!


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