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Maternity Care - Keren's* story


Our Maternity Care project is dismantling communication barriers that women like Keren* who are from Eastern African backgrounds experience living in the UK whilst on their journey to motherhood. Keren knew about Sure Start centres but was unaware of the excellent activities that they provide and the support the service offers to expectant and new mothers. ​

"Since I attend the group I have been given advice and received support. I have learnt about Longsight Foodbank and Healthy Starts Vouchers.

"Two Months ago I was very sleepy but now after taking vitamin D I feel better, I asked my GP to give me Vitamins but got nothing. I know where I can get more when the one I have is finished thanks to this group

"I now feel confident to not just pass by Sure Starts but to walk in and get support. Thanks to this group I know Zarah the receptionist who speaks Arabic. Before I was afraid of not being understood.

"I know that other women from this group will go to Sure Start now. It will be fun for my children. I don't worry as my child plays with other children when we visit at Sure Starts.

"Thanks to this project by Afrocats, I now know what support is in my neighbourhood. I feel supported. I have booked an appointment to come back next week for further support. The professionals have made me feel safe. I will not feel alone or have fear of not being heard. "

Keren told us that she feels she now has a better understanding of what Sure Start centres are about. The community connectors have supported her to communicate her need to Sure Start outreach workers. Without the group, Keren wouldn’t have known about the excellent support available for families in Longsight and Ardwick. Now Keren is happy because someone has cared enough to encourage her to come in, seek help and receive holistic support through the dance she loves and maternity project which is teaching her so much allowing her to improve her wellbeing. ​


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