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Maternity Care - Senait's* story


Our Maternity Care project is dismantling communication barriers that women like Seniat* who are from Eastern African backgrounds experience in UK on their journey to motherhood.

Seniat* didn't know about Sure Starts centres before joining our Maternity Care project. ​After joining a session she was able to learn about the mother and baby activities and services available to equip her with enough knowledge and strategies to support her child with difficult behaviours and learn how to play effectively as a family.

"Before Afrocats we just sit around at home doing nothing, now we come to the group, we have fun, have different friends from different countries.

"It's good for children as well meet other children and play, the group is good for adults and children. I now know how I can get free vitamin D which I didn’t know about before.

"In the group, we can practice speaking English, and dance as well. ​The best thing about attending this group is receiving vitamin D because before I was very tired, with no energy now I am taking Vitamin D I don't feel as tired as before, the Vitamin is good for me and my children.

"Here you can get help, ask about anything you want, before I did not know about Surestart, I only hear about Sure Start here. In this group you can get support if your child can't speak, we now know about speech therapists. My daughter enjoys playing with other children before the house was boring now coming here my daughter can enjoy it. My wellbeing has improved and I will keep coming and also tell people to come."

Find out how we're creating a smoother transition into motherhood for asylum seekers and refugees in Manchester as part of our Maternity Care project.


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